Thursday, September 07, 2006

the revolution of one

This blog is about skeptisicm, a distrust of ideas and change. But it is also radical, anachronistic, and a bit luddite, for to be skeptical of change is not merely to accept things as they are now--that would be the case only if one knew nothing about the past--but to view with distrust the way things are now, over and against how things once were. If you want to change things, change yourself, and maybe change your locality. Let's not be so arrogant as to try to change the world.

Hurrah for revolution and more cannon shot!
A beggar on horseback lashes a beggar on foot.
Hurrah for revolution and cannon come again!
The beggars have changed places, but the lash goes on.

Friday, September 01, 2006

let's make everyone above average

I received a political advertisement this week from someone running for school board (bored?). The woman so advertised was claiming that she "cared" about every student, and was interested in seeing every last one succeed. I assume that my astute readers have already noted that school board members are interested in budgets, policies, and "approved" cirricula, not students. Yet every student is "cared for" by their policies and approvals. Just as a public place is "owned" by everyone and therefore cared for by no one, one who "cares" for everyone will in fact care for no one at all.
This reminds me of a story of a parent arguing with a school board member, or someone similar. The educationist claimed to love every child just as a parent would, and consequently so to care after them. The parent objected, naturally. The educational autocrat said, "Of course, I love your children just as much as you do." The parent replied, "Really!? What are their names?"